Koa Institute

Publications and Events That Embolden and Empower the Human Spirit


Koa Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization dedicated to helping individuals and communities cultivate insight, empathy, and wellness by sponsoring workshops, presentations, and publications.

Sponsored Project

Koa Institute has entered into a sponsored project agreement with The Breathable Body LLC to help author and breathing educator Robert Litman promote his work and his book, The Breathable Body: Transforming Your World and Your Life.

Robert Litman

Photo © Joshua Berkowitz

For more than 30 years, Robert Litman has guided asthmatics, artists, musicians, health professionals, athletes, activists, and thousands of others restore healthy breathing rhythms, structural alignment, and coordinated movement. He founded The Breathable Body in 2004 and co-developed the Wellsprings Practitioner Program with Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum Movement. Robert is a certified breathing behavior analyst from the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Science, and a registered educator and trainer of the Buteyko Breathing Educators Association (BBEA). He was a preceptor at the University of Arizona School of Integrative Medicine, teaching The Breathable Body to visiting doctors for Dr. Andrew Weil.

Breath moves in wavelike motions. When breath flows freely within the body, we live in a natural state of harmony, making choices that enhance well-being and generate energy. Each individual breath travels through us in a unique way depending on its flow, texture, speed, and patterning. Like a leaf falling from a tree that spirals to the ground, waves of breath travel through the airways of the body in a spiraling motion. This is the way air moves, the way breath moves, and the way oceans, rivers, and lakes move, too. When we tighten our passageways and compromise our breathing, our health suffers.

In The Breathable Body, Robert Litman hares the insights and practices he has discovered during more than 30 years of professional experience in conscious breathing and movement. Born with breathing difficulties and suffering from asthma as a child, Robert found ways to overcome his own childhood PTSD and now shares trauma-sensitive teachings to help people breathe and live better. Hay House published The Breathable Body in May 2023.

Donations can be sent to Koa Institute earmarked for “The Breathable Body.”

Koa Institute
PO Box 822
Kihei, HI 96753
[email protected]
Arnie Kotler is the President of Koa Institute.

Thank you so much. Your help and consideration are deeply appreciated.

If you’d prefer to make a donation through GoFundMe, please click here

Robert Litman

Drawing © Jill Elizabeth Zimmermann